Friday, March 23, 2012

No pictures, but yummy nontheless

So for a wedding present paul and i got a ninja.... that's right a bon-i-fied, black clothed, kickin ninja!
hahaha actually it's a blender/food processor, still kicks the living daylights out of the food we put in it.
Anyhow, lately I've been buying frozen fruit and making morning smoothie creations!
it's a great way to get a few servings of fruits and veggies that tastes great!

This is our latest combination:

A few strawberries
one banana
one kiwi
an avocado
couple handfuls of frozen blackberries
quarter to a half of a cucumber
a couple spoonfuls of raw black chia seeds
And water (however you like, thick or more drinkable)

I love it!
try it!
especially if you have a hard time with your veggie intake, you can put celery or spinach, broccoli try whatever!

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