Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fine Fine Fine

So, this summer I have been busy, not terrible, but I'm occupied. BUT! I'm going to make a fruitful effort to post on my blog once a week, and if I do good I then deserve to make myself a new one. Bare with me.
First let me tell you about my summer days, at least three times a week I get up a run first thing, working up to three miles so I can run my first 5k in September. Next I meditate 10 to 15 minutes. Then I'll work either 9 to 5 or 2 to 10, and all my other time is filled with, my ward calling, reading, painting, little mundane errands, and so forth.
Second I'm going to cry a little to you all about my feelings, gross I know. It's like when the girl gets up in testimony meeting and starts crying and her voice gets so high you don't know what she is saying and your not really feeling spiritual because you're cringing. Unfortunately your here reading this so I'm about to get sad on you.
So if you know me, you know I've changed a lot in the last 8 months, It has been a good change and I feel really good about things these days, but for the last week I've been down. So I asked myself "why should I be feeling this way?" and the conclusion I drew is that my body is remember the sorts of things I did last summer, I wasn't this busy, I had two best friends I was inseprable with, and I was justing having plain fun weather it was stupid or clean, I was in it. Now subconciously I'm remember it and longing for it. So starting my blog will be one thing to occupy my mind and express myself.
and Last.... I'm reading this book:

I is the autobiography of the man who brought meditation and yoga to the United States in 1920. REally fasinating if your into the spiritual phenomenons of this world.

I'll bew back next week. Kisses


Meg and Brandon said...

Marni! You FINALLY commented on my blog!! now I have found you! I went through and read your entire blog! I hope you don't quit your writing here! I really wish I had a better way of keeping up with you and your life and thoughts! I miss you! Keep blogging please, at least for me :)

Meghan said...


I'm so glad you will be continuing to blog. I love how it makes me feel closer to you.

I am so sorry you were having a down week. They happen sometimes. I think it's to test our resolve, to find out how badly we want to stay on the right path. You are doing what is right and Satan will trying everything in his power to steer you away. Don't let him. You will find the joy and satisfaction in this new life you are creating for yourself if you continue on this road. Do it. You won't regret it.