Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Food Again!

So like many pregnant woman, I suffered a complete loss of appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy, I lost 6 lbs and would make Paul take me to places where they had my cravings (the only thing I would eat). Now... I am loving food! My appetite is back and kicking, almost to hard. At first I was eating junk and loving it, including lots of sugary things, which for those of you who don't know, goes against my whole diet of the last year! So I decided it wasn't worth it to feed my baby poor nutrition so I got back on track and now am looking at beautiful fruits and veggies again.

 And since Paul and I are at the low end of the budget this month with text book costs I've had to get creative. Saturday we ran out of all our rice milk and soy milk and since grocery day is not till tomorrow I've been resorting to, let's say simpler horizons. And actually a friend of ours gave us this idea that I've been experimenting with.

  -3 Ingredient Almond Milk: 
 Handful of raw almonds (you decide) 
2-3 cups water (again your own choice) 
and 2 tsp vanilla extract

 Directions: Combine in a food processor and processes till you have chopped the almonds as small as possible. Now you have one of 2 choices: a) poor over hot cereal or whatever else with almond bits intact if you like the extra texture. Or poor milk through and strainer and have a relatively almond bit free milk.


Mark said...

Good stuff. If you want some interesting reading, try looking up

Reesa Cornwall said...

Okay Marni. I am so happy you are blogging again! I will be one of your most diligent followers. I need to try this homemade almond milk.

I loooove all the photos and have spent too much time for one day scrolling through past posts!

Unknown said...

If you want even less almond bits in your milk use cheese cloth! only like $5 at like any grocery store.